Senior Centers

Senior Centers

Clay County Senior Services of Aging True administers facilities, programs, activities and services that support the successful living and aging of Clay County residents. The cultural, educational and social activities at our four centers are organized for active, engaged citizens 60 years of age and over.

Orange Park Senior Center

414 Stowe Avenue 
Orange Park, FL 32073

Clayton and Mildred Revels Senior Center *

604 Walnut Street
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043

Middleburg Senior Center

3916 Section Street
Middleburg, FL 32068

Keystone Heights Senior Center

125 NE Commercial Circle 
Keystone Heights, FL 32656

* The Clayton and Mildred Revels Senior Center in Green Cove Springs is also the location of the Adult Day Care Program. Click here to view information about the Adult Day Care Program.

Activities and Programs

Every Senior Center offers activities focused on education, wellness and social interaction.

The activities and programs are custom selected for each community center according to the needs and interests of the seniors who attend. Please contact the center nearest you for more information about specific programs, activities, or schedules.

Cultural Activities

These activities are targeted to social interaction and education. They range from lectures to games and include plays, musicals, ceramics, painting, crafts, board games, bridge, and bingo.

Health Support

These programs promote healthy living, such as exercise classes, nutrition education and consultation, and health education classes.

Technology Classes

Many centers offer basic technology classes to help individuals understand the functions and features of a computer, how to use a smart device such as a phone or tablet, and how to access and use social media such as Facebook.

Nutritious Meals

Hot, nutritionally balanced meals are offered every Monday through Friday at all four centers. These meals meet at least one-third of the current daily Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). Some centers may also offer breakfast. Contact your local senior community center to verify meal times and to register to participate.


Individuals interested in additional services or who have unmet needs may contact staff to obtain information about available options. Staff at the senior centers will provide guidance, contact information, and follow-up as needed for services or resources that are available.

Advisory Councils

Advisory Boards and Site Councils make recommendations and provide support to senior centers and the Senior Services Nutrition Program. Registered center participants are invited to serve on center advisory councils.

For more information about Advisory Board activities and meetings, or to become a member of the Advisory Board, please call or email your local senior center.

Costs and Fees

There are no fees to attend the senior centers. Nominal fees may be charged for some classes and for certain uses of the facilities. These fees are all clearly indicated when registering for a class or to use the facility.

To donate to a senior center to support the programs and services, visit our donation page. If you would like your donation to be directed to a specific center, please write so in the comment section of your contribution.

Support and funding for the Clay County Senior Centers is provided by ElderSource, the Florida Department of Elder Affairs, U.S. Government Older Americans Act of 1965 and the Clay County Board of Commissioners.

Additional Information

For information about a specific center, please contact the center directly or use our online contact form.

Orange Park Senior Center

414 Stowe Avenue 
Orange Park, FL 32073

Clayton and Mildred Revels Senior Center

604 Walnut Street
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043

Middleburg Senior Center

3916 Section Street
Middleburg, FL 32068

Keystone Heights Senior Center

125 NE Commercial Circle 
Keystone Heights, FL 32656

Senior Center Volunteer Opportunities

We rely on volunteers to improve the quality of our programs. If you are interested in leading an activity, helping serve lunch, or making the center a better place for seniors, please submit an online volunteer interest form. For more information about volunteer opportunities with Aging True in general, click here.

Clay County Senior Services of Aging True Contact Information

Green Cove Springs

604 Walnut Street, Green Cove Springs FL 32043
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (904) 284-3134
Fax: (904) 284-0296

Chuck Bulick

Director of Nutrition Services
Email: [email protected]