Message from the Volunteer Manager
Hello, Volunteers! For those who have not met me, my name is Christa Martin, and I am the new Volunteer Manager for Aging True. I started in this position in August of 2023 and am so excited to meet and work with all of you.
A little background on me – I am originally from Northwest Alabama and moved to the Jacksonville area four years ago with my family. I have a long career with nonprofit organizations, with over 14 years of experience working directly with volunteer programs. I am very excited to see this program grow and for our volunteers to know how much we appreciate everything they do!
One thing that I have done since I have been here is to create a Volunteer Value Proposition Statement that I would like to share:
“Aging True relies on volunteers in every aspect of our organization and values the time, talents, and passions those volunteers contribute to achieving our mission.
Our Give, Get, Grow, and Go organizational culture creates an environment where our volunteers have a platform to Give back to their communities, Get personal fulfillment from their volunteerism, Grow in volunteer service with Aging True, and Go into the community as ambassadors and advocate for senior issues.
We believe that when our volunteers and employees grow, so will the communities we serve.”
Thank you for your hard work and dedication to helping our area’s seniors! Please reach out to me if you have any questions or comments.
Christa Martin
Volunteer Manager at Aging True

Aging True Update
As many of you know, Anthony Watkins recently transitioned from his position as Drop Site Coordinator to a position working with our congregate meal sites and Clay County Senior Centers, effective October 2023. We are excited for Anthony and this new step in his career at Aging True, but this leads to a change in our drop site operations.
Meal delivery drop site issues and questions can now be directed to the following sources:
- Cedric Robinson, Meal Delivery Driver/Fleet Manager – 904-807-1265 or [email protected]
- Rodrick James, Meal Delivery Driver/Fleet Coordinator – [email protected]
- Khalil Hobbs, Certification Specialist – 904-807-1257 or – [email protected]
- Christa Martin, Aging True Volunteer Manager – 904-807-1246 or [email protected]
- Your Dropsite’s assigned Aging True meal delivery driver.
We will be working in tandem through the transition to make sure everything runs smoothly and that our operations are not impacted. For route, delivery, or equipment issues, please contact Cedric or Rodrick. For volunteer-related questions or concerns, please contact Christa.
Dropsite Spotlight
Arlington Presbyterian Church
Each newsletter, we will use this as a place to spotlight either a volunteer, volunteer coordinator, or drop site. This quarter, we would like to feature Arlington Presbyterian Church.
Arlington Presbyterian has been an active meal delivery drop site for over 20 years. Under the direction of volunteer coordinator, Tom Hackney, their volunteer team delivers over 200 meals a week. In 2021, one of Arlington Presbyterian’s volunteers, Seth “Tom” Miller, was selected as the Florida Association of Aging Senior Providers (FASP) Senior Volunteer of the Year.
The dedication of the Arlington Presbyterian volunteers thoroughly fulfills the church’s mission of “Loving and serving God while loving and serving our neighbors.”

Volunteer Raffle
Beginning this month, we will hold a monthly raffle for active volunteers. All active volunteers will have their names submitted in a drawing for prizes that will be held during the last week of each month. Make sure that you are in the drawing by checking with either your drop site coordinator or by sending an email to [email protected]. Drop site coordinators – please send an updated roster of your volunteers to Christa by January 25, 2024.
Prizes will include: Gas cards, gift cards, Aging True merchandise, gift baskets, and MORE!
Upcoming Event: Senior Issues Symposium
Thursday, February 22, 2024 | 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Every day in the United States, 10,000 people turn 65. The number of older adults will more than double over the next several decades and represent over 20% of the population by 2050.
These seniors will face challenges including healthcare, homecare, nutrition, isolation, and housing. Aging True has funded programs in place to assist with all these challenges that can be provided at no cost to our seniors.
Join Aging True at our Ashley Square senior living community (650 N. Newnan St., Jacksonville, FL 32202) for a roundtable discussion on how we can better serve our aging population while learning more about our agency and the scope of services that we can provide your congregation.
Church leaders may RSVP to Christa Martin at (904) 807-1246 or [email protected].